Read the extensive history of Morville Village Hall taken from The Bridgnorth Journal of June 3rd 1933.
Opening of Morville Village Hall
Monday May 29, was an important day for the history of Morville and surrounding district, for it was the occasion of the opening of the new Village Hall, the ambition of several years endeavour by many ernest workers.
The ceremony was performed by Lady Acton, and she was supported by a large number of people.
For several years now the need of a Village Hall for Morville and district has been keenly felt, and the idea was actively put into operation, when Mrs Orme’s wife of Colonel Orme was in residence at Aldenham Hall. After she left the district the scheme was carried on by a number of Committee, notably the Village Hall committee and the Building Committee and the valued assistance of various organisations, particularly the Mothers Union and The British Legion, matters reached a stage when the hall became reality.
A pleasing structure just 200 or 300 yards from the village on the Aston Eyre road. The overall length of the building is 60 feet while it is 27 feet wide. The side walls are rough cast, while it is a russet-brown asbestos slate roof. At the entrance there are cloakrooms on either side. The actual hall itself is 42 feet by 25 feet, while at the back is a kitchen containing cupboards and a boiler for central heating.
Lighting is by lamps until such time that electricity makes its way into the village, and this, it is confidently hoped will be in a short time.
The architect was Mr Waldo Guy, and he is to be congratulated upon the simple but pleasing lines of the structure. The contractors were Messrs Horne & Meredith of Bridgnorth, who have reason to be satisfied with their work.
The site was given by Mr H R Bayliss of Morville Hall, who has identified himself very strongly with the system, and has, to some degree ensured its practicability.
The cost of the hall is about £550 and of this amount nearly £400 has been raised by various measures, including a grant of £90 from the Carnegie Trust. It is hoped that the existing deficit will be speedily wiped out, one expected remunerative source of income being the Garden Fete on June 8.
The Hall will serve for three Parishes, Morville, Aston Eyre and Acton Round- but it will be known as Morville Village Hall, and will be nonpolitical and non- sectarian.
The following will be the Committee of Management, as appointed. Mr, A. C. Walker (Morville), Mr Bayliss (British Legion) Mr J.R. Higgs Aston Eyre) Mr L Jones (Cricket Club) Rev G Follis (Morville) Mrs Worsley Worswick (Acton Round) Miss Cureton (Woman’s Institute) Mrs D.G. Walker is the Treasure of the Village Hall fund.
Lady Acton was invited to open the door of the Village Hall by Mrs Worsley-Worswick, (Chairman of the Village Hall Committee) Lady Acton, previously being presented with a bouquet of flowers, by Miss Phyllis Austin.
At the inaugural gathering inside the hall Mrs Worsley Worswick presented and was supported by Lady Acton and members of the committee, namely:- Rev G Follis, Mrs Bazley, Miss Davidson, Mrs Walker, Miss Cureton, Mrs Bayliss, Miss Matthews, Mr A.C. Walker, Mr E Vaughan, Mr J.R.Higgs, Mr J Vale, Mr L Jones. Mr H.R.Bayliss (Secretary) and Mr A Austin.
Others present included:- The Rev A.J Phillips (Former Vicar of Morville) And Miss Phillips, Mrs Cleeton, Mr and Mrs H.V Meredith, Mrs J.C. Brawn, Mrs A.J.Meredith, Mrs Whitefoot, Mrs and the Misses Davidson, Mrs Jocobs, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Wall, Mrs Abberley, Miss K Walker, Miss Ledger, Mrs Ingram, Mr Wilkes, Miss Fowkes, Mrs Follis, Miss Pope, Mrs Preece, Mrs Hill, Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Austin, Mrs Cooper, Mrs W Edwards, Mr A.H.Walker, Mrs Harper Jnr, Mrs E Elkes, Major W.H Westcott, Miss Egan, Mr Hamer, Mrs Gregory, Mrs J.R. Higgs, etc
In her introductory remarks, Mrs Wolsley-Worswick said that the Village Hall belonged to every member of the three parishes, which it would serve. They had all worked a long time for it, and now that it existed it was going to be a sort of extra home to them, and whatever anyone in the village wanted for a special purpose, whether Women’s institute or British Legion, a dance or a play, they really felt they had a place which to absolutely belonged to them. Mrs Worsley- Worswick mentioned that colonel Orme and the late Mrs Orme’s sister had kindly sent a cheque in memory of Mrs Orme to be used to provide something for the Hall. They were sorry Mrs Orme was not with them for she really was the originator of the whole idea of a Village Hall. Referring to the deficit which existed now the Hall was built the speaker hoped the Garden Fete on June 8 would be well supported. Mrs Worsley- Wotswick in conclusion asked Lady Acton to declare the Hall open.
This Lady Acton did in a happy speech saying it afforded her a real pleasure. They knew the cost was £550. That was a large amount and there were many people to thank for collecting the money. The speaker recalled that the late Mrs Orme had started the effort, while Me Bayliss and the remainder of the Committee had done splendid work. Mr Bayliss had helped in every possible way, not only by loaning his gardens for the Fete, but by putting real hard work into the scheme. Lady Acton also spoke appreciatively of the work of the Mothers Union, of the architecture of Mr Waido Gut and the Carnegie Trust Trust for the gift of £90.
The Rev. Follis in proposing a vote of thanks to Lady Acton said the Committee was to be congratulated upon their selection, because the opening ceremony had been performed so charmingly, while the name of Acton was inextricably bound up with the life of the district. They were pleased that Lord and Lady Acton were following in the footsteps of their predecessors while Lord Acton had given handsomely to the Village Hall Fund. The Vicar referred to the further needs of the Hall in the shape of a piano and a billiard table. He thought the Hall would be made great use of by the three parishes concerned and while it was not under the wing of the Church, the speaker was hoping to make great use if it. Mr Bayliss seconded and said he knew Lady Acton had attended at personal inconvenience.
The vote of thanks was heartily carried. Mr A.C. Walker then proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Worslet-Worswick, the Chairman, referring to her deep interest, not only in the Village Hall, but in the neighbourhood itself The speaker emphasised the amount of work that had been done and the big part that Mr Bayliss had played. He had not only given the site but had arranged the transfer of it free. They could not, added Mr Walker have done the job without Mr Bayliss. Mr J.R. Higgs suitably seconded the vote of thanks and spoke appreciatively of Mrs Worswick’s endeavours.
The National Anthem was then sung and tea followed, served and given by the members of the Woman’s Institute.
In the evening there was an inaugural dance in the Village Hall, and there was a large attendance, music supplied by the Alhambra Dance Band.
Everyone seemed delighted with the excellent quality of the floor for dancing, some remarking that it was far better than most floors in the district. This was very satisfactory from the Committee’s viewpoint, for they intend to hold a number of dances in order to wipe out the deficit on the Village Hall, and any event will of course, be more popular if the conditions are as good as required.
The Hall was opened on the 29th May 1933 by Lady Acton. The first Committee meeting was held at the hall on Friday 2 June 1933 at 7.30.
Pictures of Morville Village Hall in use